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Customer Care & Billing Enterprise Systems
The Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) enterprise system is used by gas, electric and water utilities around the world. Its functionality supports customer billing, payments processing, meter reading, field order activity, case management and much more.

ICC has particular expertise in the configuration of the CC&B Rate Engine, which drives the billing process by applying tariff-based rates to measured consumption. ICC consultants have developed and implemented CC&B Rates designed for residential, commercial and large agricultural customers. ICC consultants have also led instructor-based training classes for rates developers using the CC&B Rate Engine.

Data Analysis, Modeling and Migration
Data Analysis addresses the accuracy, currency and integrity of data contained in an operational or enterprise-wide database. Data Analysis typically results in activities to cleanse and prevent dirty data, and to perform data name rationalization.

Data Modeling involves the use of specialized tools and techniques to define the logical and physical data structures required by a business area. Data entities, their attributes and their relationships are defined, normalized and documented. Business rules that apply to these entities, attributes and relationships are also defined. Data models are a key component in a sound application system design.

Data Migration is the rigorous mapping of data elements from some source system to its corresponding data element in some destination system, and the subsequent migration of that data from the source to the target. Careful examination of the business meaning of the data is essential to the definition of the data transformation rules, as is the understanding of the use of data by the target application. The result is a specification for the population of a database.

Systems Integration and Testing
Business application systems are the foundation pieces of an overall technical architecture. As the elements of the foundation are replaced or modified over time, they need to be integrated into the technical environment in a way that does not disrupt the continuous operation of the business area these systems support. The design and development of bridges among the applications that make up the technical architecture, and the rigorous end-to-end testing of those applications, are essential to their successful deployment.

Technical Project Management
Successful management of systems projects has tangible and an intangible aspects. The tangible aspects include having the knowledge, training and experience to identify the activities and tasks required to accomplish an objective, to define the deliverables required, to identify the resources required, and to accurately estimate the staffing, timing and costs for a project. The intangible aspects include managing the scope of a project, motivating the people resources, balancing the political forces affecting the project and reacting to change in the business and technical environments.